


A natural alternative for relieving stress, depression and anxiety.

Prozen® assists in improving your mood and sense of wellbeing during times of tension. It can potentially mitigate some of the physical side-effects of stress too.

Prozen® has been formulated with Suntheanine® a patented form of L-Theanine. This naturally-occurring compound is thought to provide a range of benefits, including supporting relaxation, sleep and sharpening mental focus.

Each capsule contains:
L-Theanine as Suntheanine® 100 mg

Take 1 to 2 capsules a day after a meal, up to a maximum of 6 capsules a day in divided doses, or as directed by your health care provider.

Doxorubicin (Adriblastina) and Idarubicin (Zavedos): Prozen® may enhance the anti-tumour effects of these drugs and may ameliorate some of their side effects.

Antihypertensives: Prozen® may potentiate the activity of antihypertensive drugs.

Use of Prozen® capsules during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Is stress affecting your overall wellbeing?

Constant exposure to stressful conditions can lead depression, anxiety and insomnia, all of impact your quality of life. Stress can also have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, which could eventually lead to physical and psychological health problems. Luckily, there are many good habits you can develop to reduce your stress levels, all of which can be enhanced further by supplements like Prozen®.

Is stress affecting your
overall wellbeing?

Constant exposure to stressful conditions can lead to depression, anxiety and insomnia, all of which impact your quality of life. Stress can also have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, which could eventually lead to physical and psychological health problems. Luckily, there are many good habits you can develop to reduce your stress levels, all of which can be enhanced further by supplements like Prozen®.

Benefits of Prozen®



Reduces impact and severity



Relieves symptoms



Supports mental performance



Can assist in focus


Caffeine Effects

Can reduce the negative impact on the body



Reduces impact and severity



Relieves symptoms



Supports mental performance



Can assist in focus


Caffeine Effects

Can reduce the negative impact on the body

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Noleen Manser

I suffer from severe anxiety, and stress. I heard the Prozen ad on Jacaranda FM and decided to give it a try.
It has worked wonders for me, as soon as I feel an anxiety attack coming on, I take 2 capsules and within 10 - 20 minutes I feel so much better. It even helps me too sleep better.
I can recommend it to anyone suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and stress.

Cathy Pote

Prozen definitly helps with relaxation at night and helps me to fall asleep quicker. I fall into a much deeper sleep with the help from Prozen.

Kith and Kin (band KZN)

We are musicians with a band. As is the nature of public performances we are always anxious before going on stage. It is our routine now to take our Prozen capsules before our perfornances. Prozen has made a huge difference to our pre-performance nerves. We are able to focus and relax and get on with the show with confidence. Prozen has been our absolute life-saver. We are never without it!

Sarah Lawson

I use Prozen when I am studing for exams. It helps my mind stay focused on the task at hand. It also assists with my nerves and retension on information when writing the exams.

Elize Pretorius

Die PROZEN capsules wat jy so bemark, het ‘n ander aanwending wat ek graag met jou wil deel : Ek kry van tyd tot tyd migraine, met auras, wat beteken dat ek nie kan sien nie. Dan kan ek nie werk, of bestuur nie, en hierdie gaan nie vanself weg nie.  Vantevore het ek baie sterk medikasie gebruik , soos Maxalt, wat eintlik nie op die lang termyn goed is vir mens nie.  Een dag, met die begin van auras, en by gebrek aan enigiets anders by my, gryp ek die PROZEN botteltjie, en drink 4 x kapsules.  Teen alle verwagtinge in, het die auras binne 10 minute begin bedaar (selfde tydskaal as Maxalt), sonder die aaklige tamheid wat saam met die Maxalt kom.  My man is ook ‘n migraine lyer, en glo NET iets soos Maxalt kan hom help.  Een dag, ook  by gebrek aan iets anders, gee ek hom PROZEN en vra hom om dit te probeer. Dit het dadelik vir hom gewerk.  Agtergrond: As hy Maxalt drink, is hy die res van die dag buite aksie.  Met PROZEN is hy dadelik reg, sonder enige newe effekte. Daarby moet jy weet hy is ‘n elektroniese ingenieur, en baie skepties oor enige natuurlike medikasie, en normaalweg sal hy liewers doodgaan as om so iets te probeer………. So het ek almal in my kringetjie daarvan vertel, en een van my werkers se jong seun van 14 jaar oud ly ook aan migraines, en word dan baie siek, gooi op, ens.  Sy ma het hom PROZEN gevoer, en siedaar ! Dit werk vir hom ook ! Miskien kan hierdie inligting iemand anders help in die toekoms, om weg te breek van die chemiese middels, en eerder iets natuurliks soos PROZEN te gebruik ?